Update (01/08/25):
The Settlement has been finally approved and became effective on November 3, 2021. First round payments were mailed out on January 21, 2022, and second round payments were mailed out on July 7, 2023.
The Settlement Administrator mailed the third and final settlement payment on January 8, 2025, to Class Members who cashed at least one of their first two payments.
Please be advised that we are no longer able to honor requests for reissuance of second round payments, under any circumstances, as of June 7, 2024. Please be advised that we are no longer able to honor requests for reissuance of first round payments, under any circumstances, as of June 30, 2023.
If you are a Class Member who submitted a complete and approved claim form and have not received a check, please see FAQ 16. Please continue to provide address updates to the Settlement Administrator for future payments (FAQ 17).
If you have any questions about this case, please email the Settlement Administrator at info@LynwoodStripSearch.com.
If you were strip searched at the Century Regional Detention Facility (“CRDF”) located in Lynwood, California between March 5, 2008 and January 31, 2015, you may be entitled to receive money.
What is this lawsuit about?
Amador v. Baca is a class action lawsuit against the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (“LASD” or “County”). It challenges the way LASD performed strip searches at the Century Regional Detention Facility (“CRDF”), located in Lynwood, CA. In 2017, the court found the LASD’s search practices were unconstitutional. The parties have now reached a settlement. The Court approved the settlement on July 20, 2020.
Who is included?
You are a Class Member (part of this case) if you were strip searched in a group, outside in the bus garage, while entering or returning to the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department's ("LASD") Lynwood Jail (“CRDF”). The case covers such searches for the period March 5, 2008 to January 31, 2015. Only LASD records will be used to decide who is a class member.
Class members could be entitled to several hundred dollars per search, and thousands of dollars for those searched many times. Anyone who qualifies and filed will get at least $200.
Additional information about the lawsuit and important court documents may be found on the Important Documents and FAQs pages of this website.